
Welsh Government: Shared Apprenticeship Scheme

on Monday, 27 February 2023. Posted in News

Welsh Government: Shared Apprenticeship Scheme

Achieve More Training (AMT) and Ap Prentis have been successful in gaining funding to provide a high quality Shared Apprenticeship programme for the community sports sector.

AMT will delivery the apprenticeship training and mentor the apprentices whilst in the workplace, whilst Ap Prentis is an ‘Apprenticeship Training Agency’ (ATA) which employs Apprentices, places them with host companies and looks after any HR requirements including contracts and payroll.

Welsh Government is providing employment incentive’s for clubs who may wish to partake in the scheme over the next 2 years.

They are now entering an exciting partnership with Welsh Government by extending their offer of sport coaching-based apprenticeships initially for 15 clubs nationally, 6 in North Wales, 3 in Mid Wales and 6 South Wales. The new ‘Shared Apprenticeship Scheme’ is aimed at community sports by increasing the skills of coaches and improving quality of delivery and membership.

This shared apprenticeship programme is specific to community sports organisations with an emphasis on those who:

● Find it difficult to currently access the apprenticeship programme

● Are not currently engaged with the apprenticeship scheme

● Are not currently ready to employ their first employee themselves as they do not have the correct HR services/systems in place

The objectives of the programme are to work in partnership with key community sport

clubs/organisations to:

● Strategically strive to achieve the Sport Wales visions ‘Every child hooked on sport for life’ correlating to 5 hours of PE, school or community physical activity a week to enact positive lifelong lifestyle choices.

● Support members from the community of all ages and background to engage with the club and their community for the benefit of their own intrinsic wellbeing and those around them in the wider community. Supporting the ‘5 ways of wellbeing’ NHS initiative.

● Enable clubs / organisations become the hubs of activity in their community by working with local stakeholders such as schools, community sports and groups, NGBs, NHS, Youth services, 3rd sector organisations, local mental health/wellbeing groups.

● Engage all local schools, raising school participation and positive experiences, increasing extra curricular activities and then link to participation in community based sport at all levels.

● Provide a broad base of community sport opportunities for target groups less likely to engage or participate.

● Establish strong collaborative models at local, regional, and national levels (locally/employer devised employability training) to generate pipeline activity

● Employer partnerships that challenge under-representation, this will specifically cover Girls in community spor

The new scheme is providing is a very forward-thinking approach to help professionalise and support what local sports clubs do within their community. 

Jordan Hadaway, Tutor/Assessor has said “I really believe that this shared apprenticeship scheme between the sports clubs and ourselves at Achieve More Training will help the clubs be able to go that extra mile and let them deliver and make an impact in the communities more than they have ever been able to”.

Apprentices will be enrolling on to a Level 3 Physical Education and School Sport qualification which will be relative to the day to day roles and responsibilities they will be delivering. The focus of this qualification is to enhance their knowledge in areas such as planning and delivering events, roles and responsibilities of a coach and communication and professional relationships.

AMT and Ap-prentis are currently looking for interested clubs so please make contact via



Phone 01745 797 797.

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