Leadership & Management

Achieve More Training (AMT) provide fully funded Higher apprenticeships in Leadership and Management at level 3,4 and 5. In preparation for Apprentice week (Feb 5 - 11*) we gained feedback from our current cohort of learners. If you wish to enrol onto a leadership and management higher apprenticeship within your job role, contact AMT on / 01745 797 797 or find out more information here:
Level 4 (ILM) Leadership and Management in Education
Level 5 (ILM) Leadership and Management in Education
Rebecca Jeffs Planning and Project Development Officer Flintshire County Council, Level 4 Leadership and Management:
Following discussions, Gaynor has informed me which of my units are at Level 5 and I have shared that if I am able to complete my L4 by July, I would like to progress through to L5 by the end of the year.
Darren Morris Community Lead Officer for Play Development & Welsh Language Officer, Flintshire County Council, Level 5 Leadership and Management:
I amusing a lot of my learning to support my staff and their understanding of Leadership and Management ready for when they start their ILM journey.
Alison Thomas employer feed back:
I can see Laura's commitment to ILM 4 continues and she continues to receive positive comments for her work. Laura's communication skills are one of her natural strengths and I see from the comments that this is recognised. Well done Laura!
Nicola Locker employer feedback:
Thank you Tom for your commitment to the course as well as completing the next course of Sounds Write!
This has been a very detailed and beneficial course to assist you in your SL role in school.
Feed back Thomas Maddocks, Level 5:
It is great to see the end in sight for the qualification and hopefully with the submission of the final assignment it will mark the end of a very enjoyable 2 years.
The course as whole has a had hugely positive impact on teaching and leadership skills and will continue to inform and improve these as my career progresses.
Diolch am bopeth Gaynor!