
  • Multiply - Numeracy for Life


    Our goal with this project is to help people overcome challenges they face with numeracy. For example, a parent who isn’t completely confident supporting their child with their Maths homework, or if your current level of Maths is holding you back from applying for a job or career pathway. If in your current job role, you would benefit with support in your Maths.

    We want to provide people with individual support to make progress against their problem areas in Maths.  The support that will be provided is completely flexible and designed to help you. You will be able to work on as many or as few areas as you feel necessary. You wouldn’t be working towards a formal qualification but if you chose to in the future, we could facilitate that also.  Regardless of whether you choose to continue onto a formal qualification you will be awarded with a certificate of achievement to demonstrate the progress you have made.

    No experience or prior qualifications necessary.

    Please complete this short expression of interest so that we can contact you to get you started.

    Entry Requirements

     Age New  Over 16
     Course New  Live in Flintshire / Wrexham
     Location New  Not currently on any government funded course


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